The Space Adventure


"Blast off into a new dimension of gaming adventure with the ultimate space pirate... Cobra!"

Game Information
Developer Hudson Soft
Publisher Virgin Interactive Entertainment
Copyright Date 1995
Players 1
Age Rating(s) BBFC PG, ELSPA 18+
Save Type RAM
Cart Version No

Part Numbers
Game T-143015-50
Front Cover None specific
Back Cover None specific
Manual None specific
Spine Card None specific
CD 1 None specific
Bar Code 0 39854 00047 8

The screenshots and micro-review of The Space Adventure were kindly supplied by Damian Maidment

The spine card scan for The Space Adventure was submitted by Robert Olive

To most people, a poor man's Snatcher. But for me, an enjoyable alternative.  Maybe it doesn't offer the variety, tight story and hype that Snatcher does, but its still worth checking out.  The basic gameplay is the same (as Snatcher) in that the game is driven by text. So it suffers from the same flaws as Snatcher, endless 'searching' and 'looking' until the correct line is shown to advance the game on.  The game does contain nudity and plenty of smut (always a plus for me) and surprisingly was only rated PG, especially considering the tame Snatcher got an ELSPA 18 !  Once you've played through once (and its not hard, as its nearly impossible to die until the end) you're unlikely to play it again for a while, but you may find yourself coming back to it every now and again, like I do.  The game is quite rare (the Digital Press rarity rating of 5 was a little unkind) so you may have to pay quite a bit for it, if you can find it, but I wouldn't have any hesitation in recommending it.

Robert Olive picked up his copy of The Space Adventure and it seems to be slightly altered for the UK market.  Not only do both covers and the spine card have a BBFC PG sticker on them, all the ELSPA ratings have been covered with black stickers - Robert bought his copy sealed so it definitely came out of the factory like that.  Why the ELSPA logos are covered is a mystery, as many titles have both BBFC and ELSPA ratings on them.

The rating for The Space Adventure is a bit of a mystery.  The ELSPA rating printed on the back insert is 18+, which is possibly a little over the top but nearer the mark than the BBFC "PG" stickers found on some copies.  These stickers can be found on either the case or the rear insert itself, meaning that some copies have it and some don't.